Just Vital empowers health clinics with real-time patient data

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Transforming Healthcare through Remote Patient Monitoring Solutions

Empowering Healthcare Providers and Enhancing Patient Care

Just Vital empowers hospitals, health systems, primary care practices, and post-acute primary care health systems to provide better care through our robust operational and proprietary technological platform.

Real-time Data
on the Go



Real-time Vital Signs Monitoring

Just Vital facilitates prompt interventions and bridges access gaps for healthcare professionals. Through advanced analytics, it offers insights into health trends and risk factors, enabling proactive decision-making for improved chronic disease management and reduced hospital readmissions. Moreover, it fosters seamless communication among healthcare stakeholders, ensuring coordinated care plans tailored to individual patient needs. Engaging patients with access to real-time health data leads to active participation in the recovery process, ultimately leading to enhanced outcomes and patient satisfaction.

Our Model Includes...

Weight Scale

Blood Pressure Monitor

Pulse Oximeter

Javier Sosa MD

Co-Founder & President

Meet the

Mauricio Pinto MD

Co-Founder & CEO